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Privacy & Data Protection Policy

In an increasingly digital and connected world, we are determined to maintain the trust and confidence of every customer or client whose personal information we collect, access, analyse or store.

We are committed to meeting our obligations under UK privacy and data protection laws and respecting the rights of the individuals whose personal information we process. We also recognise the increasing emphasis placed by our clients on privacy and data protection issues and ensure that our services and operations support their processing of personal information in a secure and legally complaint manner.

When it comes to processing personal information there are some core principles we always follow; lawfulness, fairness and transparency; purpose limitation; data minimisation; accuracy; storage limitation; confidentiality and integrity; accountability.

Everyone at Bijou Bambino Ltd. is responsible for upholding these principles. This helps us to ensure that personal information is processed in accordance with privacy and data protection laws, our Privacy and Data protection policy.

Bijou Bambino Ltd.
Company Registration : 16173725
Privacy Policy
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